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Isithumba Project

A day at Isithumba!

I had the opportunity to be part of an awesome project happening just around the corner from the HQ.

This was a combined effort between various local and German factions to get kids from the nearby Isithumba village on bikes. This took place ‘Isithumba Compound’ on the banks of the river near the village situated down in the Valley of a Thousand Hills area.

A project managed by Makl, a German national, and BMX rider(a good one at that). Makl oversees a Community Project that gets Villagers to be involved with the local industry and business initiatives. Part of their goal this year was to get BMX bikes for the local kids. Needless to say these kids from the local school were well stoked with the van full of United and Fit BMX bikes that turned up one sunny morning. With special permission a handful of youngsters got the morning off school to officially receive the bikes. A ‘test’ ride ensued and much fun after that.

A day at Isithumba!
Trainers and a delegate from the National German Embassy.
A day at Isithumba!
The unveiling of the bikes was a big deal with many a whoop from the on lookers.
A day at Isithumba!
These boys came rushing from school to try out the bikes.
A day at Isithumba!
Kids were amped on there snazzy Fit and United Complete bikes
A day at Isithumba!
On the pump track
A day at Isithumba!
Makl and the Trainers with some guidance

Other cool stuff to read
