We just landed something totally awesome!
It was Macneil, what must be about 10 years ago, whom were the first to develop the Pivotal seat system. When it was first spoken of it was an alien concept to fathom. It was a game changer- something very unique at the time. Soon it wasn’t long before all the big companies jumped on this new idea….wasn’t long before every BMX (and even some MTB)companies had their own pivotal seat and pivotal post offerings. Now 10 years down the line and things have come full swing again…
When we landed the first pivotal style seats and posts many years ago, just like everywhere else- it was a big deal. This time around it wont be as much of a big deal; technology has come along way and bikes have changed so much in the last few years than what they have in say the 5 years before that.
So, without boring you too much with the history lesson, have a look at how this new system works and start getting used to seeing it around.

If you are keen to learn more or understand better how this system works; there is info available here: